Fifth Meetup of the Hamburg HTML meetup, in-person

There is going to be a fifth edition of our Hamburg HTML meetup, all about the web platform and accessibility. HTML 5, so to say 😅.

It's going to be an in-person meetup, scheduled November 5th, 2024, 6pm at raumF by Factorial.

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Factorial has been our supporter since day 1 💖. Be sure to check them out on their website and their LinkedIn events page.

They also have a series of meetups related to webdev and digital products scheduled. Lea visited the Frontend & Friends and the Accessibility meetups which both were a blast.

Rough Agenda

We are planning to have 2 to 3 talk slots. The rough outline of our agenda for now is:

Call for Proposals

We are looking for talks. Our Call For Proposals is now officially open.

There will probably be a talk by Manuel Matuzovic. Details are to be discussed and will be announced as soon as we know more.

Manuel will also give away a copy of his new book, the Accessibility Cookbook in a raffle.

Lea can fully recommend it, a practical hands-on guide to accessibility on the web.


We will update this post as soon as we put the registration link online.

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COVID 19 policy

We kindly request you to test yourself upfront. Please stay at home in case you test positive or experience symptoms of raspiratory diseases.

Thank you for your cooperation.